After the images with the bear walking in a circle, the Town Hall of Piatra Neamț asks the locals if they still want a zoo in the city.

The Piatra Neam Ayuntamiento City Council is conducting a local survey to find out if locals still want a zoo, after images of a bear traumatized after 20 years at the city’s zoo went viral on social media. The bear Ina, although now free, in the bear reserve in Zărnești continues to walk in a circle, in a small space, as he had become used to in captivity.

The survey in Piatra Neamț was initiated by the city’s mayor, Andrei Carabelea, writes Mediafax. “I want to involve all citizens in the good development and administration of our city! A few weeks ago we all saw images that reveal the effects of the bars on the behavior of Ina and Anca bears. Therefore, I want to consult you publicly about the usefulness of the zoo in Piatra-Neamț. Therefore, please wait a few seconds to complete the following questionnaire! ”The mayor announced on Facebook.

Therefore, residents are invited to answer three questions:

  • How do you assess the importance, opportunity or need for the Piatra Neamț Zoo?
  • How often do you visit the zoo?
  • Do you want the zoo to keep running?

Recently, members of an association posted on Facebook images of a bear walking endlessly in a circle. Experts explained that the bear, now in a reserve, suffered trauma and can no longer adapt to life in the wild after spending 20 years in captivity at the Piatra Neamț Zoo.

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“When you go to a zoo that has small spaces for animals, remember Ina’s movements! Her mind was trapped in an imaginary cage, the same one that held her captive for 20 years. This is the image of trauma that sometimes doesn’t heal and never forget! ”is the emotional message sent by the association on its Facebook page.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca

Myrtle Frost

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