Written in Celebrities The
Aislyn Derbes He will no longer hide his love for the influencer Jonathan Coupon One more time He posed on social media with his girlfriend.
It was through Instagram stories where Eugenio Derbes’ eldest daughter She shared a beautiful black and white photo of herself lying on her boyfriend’s lap. The one who held her delicately in her head.
In this case, the actress did not dedicate any romantic message to her boyfriend, she limited herself only in referring to her boyfriend.
According to the couple’s previous releases, everything points to the fact that they have been separated due to work responsibilities in recent days, but this week they met again in Mexico with the actress’ daughter Kylani.
Icelin Derpes y Mauricio Ochman After announcing your divorce, They decided to give themselves another chance to fall in love with their respective partners.
Although announcing the engagement with the actor first Paulina Barrola, Last June, it generated thousands of reviews, all referring to it He and Islin Derbus started dating others at the same time. Since the young actress revealed that she has been in a relationship with influential Jonathan Coupon for nine months.
On December 1, Derbys’ older sister revealed her relationship with the influencer after several months of rumors.