Alejandro Sanz was embezzled and had major financial problems

The news Released by singer Alejandro Sanz Weekend, he mentioned ‘Sometimes I don’t want to be’More details of his personal life were aired It has been hit hard by economic problemsReceived from a favor he did to a friend.

It has been pointed out in the Spanish press The singer allegedly got scammed in MiamiThis puts him on the brink of bankruptcy.

It has been pointed out that Chance has $7.3 million in debt Next to an unnamed entity; Journalist Antonio Pelacci explains it this way:

“He (Chance) A company in Florida was used as collateral for this refund. To do this, Alejandro had to sell the property as he filed for bankruptcy. He sold the property for $10 million.

Meanwhile, his partner Nacho Kay points out that Chance has had financial problems for yearsWhen he noticed some gaps in his finances due to a representative,

He kept his accounts in the hands of an administrator, Rosa Lagarriquín, who was his representative, ended badly and the courts sentenced him to pay 4.5 million euros. At that time, he puts the company in the hands of a universal manager, who reorganizes it all.

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Gillian Patton

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