Amid a purge in Chavismo, the Nicolás Maduro regime announced the successor to former minister Tarek El Aissami.

A new ally of the Venezuelan dictatorship ordered Monomeros, a subsidiary of PTVSA in Colombia, back into Savistas’ hands, after nearly four years of being governed by the opposition, which was recognized as the legitimate authority by the former Colombian president. Evan Duke. (Twitter)

Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro, Appointed president of PDVSA this Tuesday, Pedro Delicia, Like new Oil Ministerchanges Tareck El-AissamiHe resigned after being pointed out by 3,000 million dollar fraud For the state oil company, in a new purge of the Chavista regime it left behind, 19 senior officials arrested.

“I was meeting the engineer who is the head of PDVSA Pedro TelecheaI appointed him as the new Petroleum Minister Transformation process The profession lives”, he pointed to the Venezuelan dictatorship via Twitter, where he shared photos of the meeting with the official.

Maduro asked Delgia.Maximum performanceIn their new jobs.

The new minister took over the leadership of PTVSA January 6 Astrubal Chavez replaces the brother of the late Hugo Chavez, who has been in office since April 2020 and was also the oil minister.

In September last year, Delgasia He ordered back MonomersPTVSA’s subsidiary in Colombia, after nearly four years at the hands of the Chavista regime, was managed by the opposition, which was recognized as a legitimate authority by the administration. This is Duke (2018-2022), to Maduro’s leftist and ally, Gustavo Pedro, It came to power in the Andean country last August.

The new oil minister appointed by Maduro worked for several years in petrochemicals peaceful And he defines himself as “a manager who listens to the workers,” as he promised when he arrived at the Monomeros plant in Barranquilla, Colombia.

The new minister took over the helm of PDVSA on January 6, replacing Astrubal Chavez, brother of the late Hugo Chavez, who had been oil minister since April 2020. (Twitter)

Resignation El IssamyMonday’s announcement comes just days after the prosecutor’s office and Chavista announced that there would be a dictatorship. In legal proceedings An unknown number of officials allegedly involved should be arrested and interrogated Corrupt practices.

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Maduro announced this after accepting the official’s resignation PDVSA will “thoroughly” purge corrupt mafias with “severe measures”.”, and by “restructuring at a higher level”.

For now, identity 5 out of 19 officers arrestedIncluding the former Head of Oversight of CryptoActives (Sunagrip). Joselit Ramirez and Chavista vice Hakbel RowaTwo judges and A Mayor of Chavista.

This Tuesday and during an interview infobaeHugo Chávez’s former communications minister Andres Izarra promised. What is happening in Venezuela is a “power struggle” between Maduro and El Issamy.

“He was the head of PDVSA, which gave him a lot of access to the country’s key resources, but he also controlled an important political structure. He controlled many of his group’s governors, ministers…that is, power in the executive, economic power, intelligence services, armed forces, etc. Controlled…”, Izarra added.

Tareck El Aissami, who resigned after being accused of embezzling $3,000 million from the state oil company, has so far detained 19 top officials in a new purge of the Chavista regime.

One of the Chavismo figures who spoke out after El Issamy’s departure over PDVSA’s looting was Deostato Cabello, vice president of the ruling PSUV party, who admitted they were “betraying the revolution because they have already stolen enough.”

Some senior officials detained by the Venezuelan dictatorship have been accused of involvement A network of prostitution in the service of politicians and businessmenThe news was disclosed under stock to the company AFP A source linked to investigations.

(With information from EFE and AFP)

Continue reading:

Chavista Purge Continues: Maduro Regime Announces Arrest of 19 Senior Officials on Corruption Charges
A former Chávez minister revealed that Maduro invented a plan through Tareck El Aissami to challenge him for power: “It’s going to his head”
Diosdado Cabello: “Many are betraying the revolution because they have already stolen enough”

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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