An unexpected reason why Raul de Molina did not appear in “El Corto y la Flaca”.

Raul de Molina

Raul de Molina He is one of the most beloved hosts on Hispanic television, which is why it is common to see him performing in front of television cameras. “The Fat and the Lean”The show has been on air for 25 years. However, fans of the show noticed that the Cuban-American Not in recent daysSo there is a debate as to what might have happened to him.

By The Vibe

Adrienne Uribe is also a guest host on the show.. These appearances made more than one think of 'El Gordo y la Flaca' De Molina's replacement is being soughtBut none of these can be true because Raoul is still in charge of the show, only these days he's on vacation.

Dear driver Raúl de Molina took a few days to go on vacation to SpainAgain, let's remember that at the end of 2023, the presenter was in a European country to host all the events of the Latin Grammy Awards in the city of Seville, outside of the United States.

Read more The Vibe

Raul de Molina attacks the producer of “El Corto y la Flaca” in the middle of the show: “Lack of respect” (VIDEO)

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Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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