Anti-octopus preliminary testing is behind schedule


Judge’s ban Debi Timothy Beguero, The Seventh Investigative Court of the National District delays the knowledge of the preliminary investigation against Alexis Medina Sanchez and others involved in the network dismantled in the anti-Octopus operation.

The file with the magistrate’s restraining order will be sent to Kenya Romero, the Office of the Coordinating Trial Courts in this jurisdiction, who will decide whether to approve Peguero or, instead, appoint another judge to hear the case.

The accused judge decided to avoid hearing the process I learned that this process followed one of those involved in the Antibulpo case.

Wait for the ban to be determined

For his part, Wilson Camacho, head of the Office of Special Prosecutions for Administrative Corruption (PEPCA), said he hoped the suspension of Judge Peguero would be decided soon.

He argued immediately The Magistrate’s ban is decided, Public Ministry is ready to present Allegation in Operation Anti-Octopus case.

“This process has already been sent and we consider a rhythm that allows us to leave the preliminary investigation,” Camacho said.

Auto open test

The judge also ordered an investigation against MARIA ISABEL TORRES CASTELLANOSAntibulpo was also involved in the case, which was separated from the activities of the other defendants in the corruption network.

The Magistrate directed the citizen to answer the facts imputed to him at the merits hearing, taking cognizance of the preliminary inquiry.

At the trial, Pepka lawyers, They asked the court to send the accused to trial on merit. The defendant’s lawyer, Francisco Manzano, asked for the denial of the motion to open the trial, resulting in an order of no contest in his favor.

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Torres Castellanos, in the Public Ministry’s indictment, is linked to Editorama SRL, one of the companies allegedly used to illegally steal money by the network.

Imprisonment and periodic presentation

On the other hand, the judge ruled Preventative prevention and periodic presentation Against Carlos Martin Monte de Oca and Paola Mercedes Molina Suazo, a married couple, acquitted in the Antibulpo case.

The magistrate ordered Monte de Oca to be detained at the Najayo prison, while post-partum Molina Suazo is barred from leaving the country for periodic appearances.

At the trial, the Public Ministry asked the court to impose pretrial detention in Monte de Oca and house arrest against Molina Suazo, who worked with the campaign team of former PLD presidential candidate Gonzalo Castillo.


Doris García, who accepted Molina Suazo’s defense, along with Monte de Oca’s defense, asked the court to reject the request for detention and house arrest. . In the first hearing, the decision was lifted two hours after the married couple were declared absent by the judge, after which they promised to attend the next hearing.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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