At Caparoso, they are promoting a space that favors independence for seniors

Experience school

The so-called School of Expertise was born out of professional interest and the detection of a need that had no institutional response.

Of professional interest and detection of social and health need to which health officials confirmed there was no institutional response Caparoso What was called “School of Experience”It is a space to promote independence for older people and dependent people who also seek to provide care for their families. “This is a project that focuses on maintaining the functional, social and cognitive independence of people who come to the service by carrying out group activities,” explain the project promoters.

The initiative was promoted by the Olite Basic Health District and the Commonwealth of Basic Social Services also in the Olite District, in collaboration with the city's city council, which was responsible for its organisation. Ana OesquedaCaparoso Counselor; Auxoa Legaz and Raquel CarreraNurses from the municipal office; Leticia Valenciacommunity social worker; Raquel SanzNurse at Olite Health Centre; And Monica Garcia, basic health social worker; They were responsible for explaining the project to over forty people who attended to learn about the details of the Experience School.

The user profile to which the service is directed is those aged 65 or over or younger people with a diagnosis of mild dependence or a diagnosis of cognitive impairment. “And also eats the elderly Those who have experienced a significant decline in their social relationships and are at risk of loneliness and people whose cognitive, social and health abilities have begun to decline, which translates into a significant burden on the primary caregiver. The activities to be carried out in each session will be divided into three parts – psychomotor skills, cognitive stimulation and dependency prevention activities.

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In order to evaluate the suitability and adequacy of resources, an individual method has been proposed by applying different social and health metrics that will be implemented by those responsible for the program in the community, the social worker and the nursing team. This process will continue until May 24 and the place is scheduled to be confirmed between the 27th and 31st for ten people who will be able to use the service that will cost 20 euros per month.

From the professional interest and detection of a social and health need to which health officials asserted no institutional response was made, the so-called “School of Experience” was born in Caparoso, a public relations space.

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