Baking soda can flush out bacteria from the body

According to the United States National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus, bacteria are single-celled organisms. “Under a microscope, they look like balls, rods or scrolls,” the company explains.

Most of the existing bacteria are not harmful, but perform a function, for example, they help digest food; But others “destroy the cells that cause the disease and provide vitamins to the body,” he points out.

There are infectious bacteria that multiply rapidly in the body and cause disease. The clinic points out that the bacteria excrete toxins that damage the body’s tissues.

Chamomile, baking soda
The combination of chamomile and baking soda brings refreshing properties to the skin. – Photo: Getty Images

Many diseases caused by bacteria are treated with antibiotics. However, it should be noted that before using or taking a home remedy to treat them, one should consult a doctor.

For its part, the Mayo Clinic explains that infectious diseases are caused by bacteria or viruses and parasites or fungi.

As the name implies, these bacteria cause infections and are contagious. “It is spread by some insects or other animals, he points out. Symptoms of infectious diseases: fever, muscle aches, cough, fatigue and diarrhea.

What are the germs that cause infections?

The company explains the differences between these organisms that affect human health.

  • The virus, clinically indicative, is smaller than the bacteria and can cause a variety of effects, such as colds.
  • Parasites can also be spread by “mosquito bites” or animal feces.
  • Fungus, describes the Mayo Clinic, affects the skin; Some can affect the nervous and respiratory systems.
  • Finally, bacteria (single cell) are responsible for diseases such as strep throat.
Athlete's foot
Foot fungus can be prevented by taking certain health measures. – Photo: Getty Images / iStockPhoto

What is baking soda and how does it fight bacteria?

According to Health 180, Bicarbonate is “an alkalizing agent” used to treat diarrhea, kidney problems, infections and other health problems.

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Its functions are effective not only at home but also in medicine because it helps to eliminate foot odor; Its consumption is also beneficial for patients with urinary tract infections, the portal explains. In addition, it helps to get rid of sore throat and possible irritation in it.

Tua Saide Medicine Portal indicates that the properties of bicarbonate are innumerable in a person’s daily life as it helps to reduce acidity and whiten teeth. In addition to fighting urinary tract infections.

To carry out bicarbonate treatment for urinary tract infections, Tua Saúde Explains that a toilet seat should be carried: Mix three tablespoons of baking soda in three liters of water and stir. Then, bend carefully for 30 minutes, he says.

On the other hand, baking soda is good for cleaning nails and disinfecting them from all kinds of fungi. For this reason, he recommends mixing baking soda with water and soaking your hands for at least five minutes.

It should be noted that bicarbonate has an antimicrobial effect, which helps to fight fungi and bacteria. But it is recommended to consult a doctor in advance before taking or taking a solution.

Tua Saúde explains that to get rid of sore throat and sore throat, mix a tablespoon of baking soda in half a glass of water, preferably lukewarm.

It should also be noted that bicarbonate It is used to clean household appliances because it is an easy to use and economical product.

Eden Hayes

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