Biden says ‘America is back’ at the table – but is that a good thing? | American News

Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy Slogan to Most Diplomats in the WorldAmerica is back“There is no metaphor.

The United States was under the Trump administration on global issues ranging from climate change to multiplication and human rights He actually collected its documents and pens and left the meeting room. Biden’s election victory and election Firm internationalists This means that there will be someone sitting in an empty chair to lead the foreign policy committee.

International Crisis Group UN Director Richard Cowan said, “There are a lot of reliefs that we have a very ordinary United States to deal with.” Over the past two years, other countries have had a hard time getting a clear picture of what US policies are sometimes on issues like Libya or Yemen as a sign of US diplomacy.

One of the many clear winners on the world stage since Biden’s victory is the UN. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Cowan had struggled for four years Donald Trump Outgoing President To prevent the plug being pulled across the U.S. involvement and funding in agency systems.

“There is a lot of talk now that Guterres is preparing to release a lot of big ideas next year about combating inequality, accelerating the fight against climate change and bringing the UN back into the center of global dialogue.”

How an all-encompassing slogan “America is back“Achieving worldwide will inevitably be a test for Rorsack to be considered the” real America “that has not existed in the last four years.

In liberal democracies in Europe, the common belief and expectation of Biden’s language and behavior is that the recovery of the United States will include all the best aspects of the past – with extra humility.

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“‘America is back’ is very different from what George W. Bush said, or even if Obama said it in context,” said Constance Stelsenmல்லller, a senior fellow at the Center at the Brookings Institution in the United States and Europe. . “It simply came to our notice then A robbery America first at any cost, But one that makes a very relaxed assessment of its options and jurisdictions. ”

A clear lack of American popular support for the adventure of foreign aid effectively replaced by Trump – defeats in Libya, Yemen and Syria Loss of relative power and prestige over the past four years, Suggest that the country returning to the world stage is a punished America.

“Obama was still able to assume that the United States had almost unlimited power, so there were sovereign choices about international involvement and the way it handled dictatorial rivals,” Stelsenmல்லller said. “I think the biggest difference with this administration is a clear understanding of domestic and foreign boundaries. It gives a whole new value to allies and gives great power to allies.”

Some leaders and governments were very pleased with the United States, which was clearly visible during the Trump era – none other than the Gulf monarchs and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They are now developing a common cause to prevent the United States from returning to pre-Trump policies, in particular 2015 Nuclear deal with Iran.

“Many of these regimes have longed for the Trump administration, for a variety of reasons,” said Khalid Elgindi, a senior colleague at the Middle East. “Attitude towards Iran is an issue, but the Lois-Fire approach to human rights and the rule of law is another reason I think many of these dictators in particular are going to miss the Donald Trump era.”

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It is not only the dictatorships of the world that fear the slogan “America is back”. To some longtime critics US Foreign Policy, The idea of ​​a golden age that the next administration could return to is an illusion.

For those skeptics, it remains to be seen whether the Biden Foreign Policy Committee, which has been a familiar face since the Obama era, will seek restructuring or a fundamental reconsideration.

“The big question is – is Biden basically reuniting the Obama band – did they learn anything from the previous eight years they were in power, which was not a shocking success in many respects?” Asked Stephen Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School.

“Do they have a more realistic sense of what American foreign policy can achieve and what American power can do?”

Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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