Boys from toy stores enjoyed visiting Art Space

It should be noted that an important agreement signed between the two parties is valid, jointly with the Art School, according to which the Casa Pronto Foundation awards scholarships to students or graduates of the said educational institution to provide workshops in the context of the Games Library. of CICs and itinerant. Additionally, those interested in participating in these spaces can contact [email protected], by phone 2364352192, or through the juegotecajunin Instagram page.

Regarding this special visit, Marisa Fama, Director of Regional Programs for Children, Adolescents and Family, stated: “We are very pleased with this visit to the Casa Pronto Foundation to visit Natalia Polina Garcia’s art exhibition Bisbio Fricke, together with the boys and girls of the mobile library so that they can From learning about the art space of this institution. They really enjoy this kind of activity and we want to thank Giulio Lascano for the invitation.”

In addition, Fama emphasized that “apart from this visit, we have carried out very important coordinated work with the Casa Pronto Foundation since last year, and this year we are renewing the agreement between this institution and the Junin School of Art. In this way, the Foundation is awarding scholarships to some of the facilitators of the workshops Workers who are part of the educational institution or its graduates for the purpose of giving workshops in the municipality’s mobile game library.

“Beginning in April of this year, the three institutions of the municipality, the Art School and the Casa Pronto Foundation will be promoting these workshops that bring art closer to boys and girls, not only in the CIC Game Library in the Northwest, but Quartet and Av. Alvear, but Also in various places of Junín”.

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art workshops
In turn, Manuel Lovett, Secretary of Social Development in the municipality, expressed his thanks: “We thank Giulio and the entire Casa Pronto Foundation for opening the doors for us so that we can participate and promote art workshops in the different neighbourhoods. And for highlighting this position and the importance of integration between public and private”, and added that “The mobile game library makes us take these workshops to different parts of the city such as picnic areas, dining rooms, promotional associations, CICs and schools.”

“This is all done thanks to the detailed work between Marisa, the Gonen government and the private sector, in this case with the Casa Pronto Foundation, which awards scholarships to art school workshop instructors so that they do the same for children and teens. This is another example that when the private sector and the public come together, they are The results are very beneficial for everyone,” the official said.

Meanwhile, Julio Lascano, Head of Art Space at the Casa Pronto Foundation, emphasized: “In general, society itself does not know very well what the function of the institution is and what is better than the generation of this kind of triangulation that allows the formation of a symbolic model of a living organism, for such an important function as Education, culture, science and art. In this sense, the Casa Pronto Foundation is open to the community and on this day we party by welcoming many boys and girls who go to the Games Library, an important space where they learn through play and through art.”

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Likewise, Lascano emphasized: “The School of Art is participating, together with the Junín government and private companies, not only the Casa Pronto Foundation, but also other companies such as Bringeri, which have provided all the necessary technologies so that this exhibition of Paulina Garcia can be implemented.”

“This space of art belongs to the whole community, and I always thank all those people who are encouraged to cross the threshold of the institution to actively participate in this space. For us, they are not passive samples, but rather active works that seek a smooth exchange between sender and receiver of the artistic message”, Professor concluded.

Source: Junin State Press

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