Catherine Sciaczok Talks About Miguel Varoni’s Look, She Doesn’t Like It – People – Culture

Miguel Varoni and Catherine Siagok They have been married for more than 25 years and are considered one of the most stable couples in Colombian entertainment. They met when she was a young actress and she was very prominent on the small screen.

The first time they met On a runway but they don’t know each other yet, Varoni shared with his partner, actress Eudy Henriquez, his thoughts on “It’s gonna be mine,” along with the pranks that showed him.

They first met on the set of the telenovela ‘Las Juanas’ in 1997. Syachok’s first impression was different: “I thought he believed, he entered, congratulated, he did not see me,” he noted in an interview.

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Two decades later, the actor’s physical appearance has caught the attention of all his followers, as they assure him that Argentina is no longer the same. In this regard, Varoni defended himself and mentioned that it was about filters and digital retouching.

In the middle of an interview with ‘People en español’ The actress mentioned her husband’s appearanceShe notes that she doesn’t feel uncomfortable with the changes made: “I’m so jealous, I can’t because of her thinness, because of her thinness, it bothers me to show it in front of me all day.”

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And, contrary to what one would believe, she is happy about her husband’s new look, she added: “Before, when [él] He was overweight, his knees hurt, his feet were swollen and he was not feeling well. Now that he’s a thin man, everything works well for him.

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When asked if she could do cosmetic retouching, she didn’t hesitate to answer in the affirmative, because “I’ve always told her, since I was 20, I tell her, “I’m cultivating you, so when it all falls, you take it. Up”, she concluded.

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Gillian Patton

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