CCOO creates the Young Space of Castilla y León to provide political solutions to the problems of structural unemployment suffered by youth

The union denounces that due to the lack of job opportunities, young people live delayed lives, since they delay the age of emancipation and the formation of a new family



Young Space of CCOO Castilla y León was born as a tool for debate, training and vindication that will allow providing political solutions to the structural problems suffered by youth in the community, among them, the unemployment rate that rises to 32 percent.

new meeting space for young people between 16 and 35 years old It will serve for the convocation of assemblies and plenaries of affiliated youth and other youth organizations or movements and the unemployed. Through the meeting their claims will be channeled,
since youth need “a radical change” in the employment situation that they suffer. In this space, issues such as unemployment, temporary status and precariousness in contracts or access to housing will be discussed, according to the head of the Young Space of CCOO Castilla y León, Marina Gómez.

CCOO Castilla y León today presented the Youth Space and youth policies for the next four years by the hand of Gómez, the secretary general of CCOO Castilla y León, Vicente Andrés and the secretary of Youth and New Realities of Work of CCOO, Carlos Gutierrez.

Gómez assured that the proposals that are born from the Space will be taken to the street through mobilizations, adding that it will also serve to train young people in topics of interest. such as labor rights and payroll, among other aspects. “We will also carry out more recreational activities and campaigns to promote the social and labor participation of young people,” he stressed.

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Regarding the X-ray of the employment situation of youth in the Community, according to the union member, and taking into account the data provided by the EPA, the INE and the Emancipation Observatory of the Youth Council, the unemployment rate is at 32 percent and of the few young people who manage to work, 90 percent do so temporarily.

“Only 7.6 percent of those under 35 years of age in Castilla y León who work do so with an indefinite contract and 49 percent of young people between 25 and 35 years old live with their parents”, he pointed.

In this sense, he assured that the panorama shows that young people lack the conditions to get a job and be able to emancipate themselves and do not have opportunities to access a home.

He also added that Castilla y León is the province of Spain in which there is the greatest mobility among its young people, since they leave the Community to reside in other places.
“Young people have experienced two crises that have transformed labor relations and work on demand is spreading more and more. For this reason, it is necessary for the youth to organize themselves and for the proposals to be channeled in the union, ”he stressed.

Finally, Gómez assured that CCOO will work to structure all the youth spaces in the Community; it will work with other federations to channel claims; it will create synergies with other youth organizations in Castilla y León; and will hold the XVIII training school on labor rights.

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For his part, the Secretary of Youth and New Realities of Work of CCOO, Carlos Gutiérrez, demanded the reformulation of the labor framework to eradicate
the fraud suffered by many young people regarding employment contracts in training, and added that it is necessary to transform the productive system and improve the welfare system to generate greater job opportunities.

«CCOO wants to solve the structural problems of youth that have to do with unemployment, temporary employment, low wages and that cause, in short, that young people live postponed lives, since they delay the age of emancipation and formation of a new family, “he said.

He also indicated that the challenge for CCOO is to articulate measures within a period of three months so that the set of non-labor practices are listed in Social Security for future pensions, something that will also allow knowing how many people carry out practices and avoid fraud in this ambit.

«CCOO aspires to reformulate the internship system and empower young people.
In addition, it is necessary to increase the Minimum Interprofessional Salary this year, as it guarantees that young people receive better wages, since the Bank of Spain has already determined that one of the most benefited groups was young people, specifically 22.9 of the workers between 16 and 24 years old and a 13 percent of the 25 to 32 ”, he detailed.

Myrtle Frost

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