Chamber of Deputies Disciplinary Commission quotes Point Pedro on Monday

Santo Domingo, R.D.

Sandro Sanchez, chairman of the Chamber of Deputies ‘disciplinary commission, said Pedro Botello had been summoned before the delegation to explain his involvement in the National Congress’ blockade in support of the 30% pension fund. Workers.

The Commission, which met this Thursday, was able to observe the evidence provided by the Defense Colonel and the Chamber of Deputies.

“At 1:00 pm on Monday, we are going to receive Pottello of Point Pedro and finally find the evidence that could refer to him.

Last Thursday, February 4, the National Congress was the scene of a riot between protesters demanding the payment of 30 percent of the pension fund and members of the National Police who guarded the Assembly building.

This prompted protesters to start tear gas and club blows, and five vehicles were stoned.

Also, Senator Fried Raffles shared broken glass pictures from his office window.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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