Chamber of Murcia will promote the digital sector with a €283,000 co-working space

Murcia. a A digital co-working space to promote the digital transformation of the regional business fabric at its headquarters in Frutos Paisa Street. This will be one of the largest projects of the Murcia Chamber of Commerce of the year. That’s how I explained it Its president, Miguel Lopezabad, At the traditional meal with the regional media, she recovered after the pandemic.

The facilities will allow businessmen and professionals connected to the digital world to develop their activities by benefiting from a series of common services that facilitate their operations. In addition, the Foundation will focus its activities during the year that begins on “improving the competitiveness of Murcian companies, through three main action axes: Digitization, internationalization and management of European funds..

Regarding the money coming from Europe and managing it, Lopezabad highlighted this “It is a great opportunity to change the region and our countryif used for necessary structural repairs.”

Through the AceleraPyme office, The Chamber is publishing the digital collection, the EU-funded programme Through NextGenerationEU funds, which aims to promote the digitalization of small businesses, small businesses and the self-employed.

Currently, the program is active “Three summonses coexist in parallel and their application period is still open. The self-employed and companies with less than 50 employees can seek help from Kit Digital and choose digital bonuses of 2,000, 6,000 or 12,000 euros, depending on which part they belong to,” the Chamber reported.

European money management is another big focus of the chamber’s roadmap, which is described as “a great opportunity to transform our region and our country, if used in the necessary structural reforms to increase the growth potential of the economy.” the The chamber will develop European programs in various fields, which add up to a global budget of €1.7 million Euros from both the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund.

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Improving human resource training also has European funding, targeting specific groups: Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Employment Program (PICE), which is part of the National Youth Guarantee System; 45+ programs for those who are unemployed over the age of 45; o Dual apprenticeship program in the company and Somos FP Dual, which seeks to promote this formative method.

The focus of internationalization remains one of the hallmarks of the Chamber as a goal set by law. In this sense, it is scheduled during the year 2023 to implement 20 international promotional activities within the external promotion plan that the Chamber is implementing in conjunction with the Development Institute. I know that She adds her specialized training work in this matter. Certification and sending of documents; or running the customs facility in MurciAduana, where funding is needed to adapt to the requirements imposed by Brexit and new phytosanitary regulations.

Other areas the Chamber will continue to work in are supporting local businesses; expanding the executive training offer; Creation of the Kamara Club as a forum for opinion and reference discussion in the field of business and economics in the region; and promoting arbitration as a means of settling disputes between companies out of court.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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