Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter: When and where will it be found in Puerto Rico?

March this year will begin with an astronomical event that promises to put on a show for 24 hours: the Conjunction between Venus and Jupiter.

The moment when two stars appear from Earth to be at the same point in the sky, when in reality they are separated by many miles.

In this case, the vice president said that this event will be held by Venus and Jupiter, which are the brightest planets in the solar system. Caribbean Astronomical Society (SAC), Nelson Ortega.

“Due to the position of the Earth, the conjunction between Venus and Jupiter is visible only once a year. However, it is convenient to take advantage of this 2023 as much as possible, because in 2024 everything indicates that it will occur very close to the Sun and the high luminosity will prevent us from seeing this long-awaited approach,” the astronomer pointed out. . to do new day.


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The meeting will begin tomorrow, March 1, and continue till the next day. however, The closest point between the two planets will be reached on March 2 at 1:05 am.

“The approach will basically be overnight. We’ll get a very close look at Venus and Jupiter,” Ortega pointed out.

On how to appreciate the event, he advised to do so Westward from little or no light pollution.

“You can see the sunset from any part of the island. “Even when we have little sun, they are very clear because Venus and Jupiter are so bright,” he explained.

If you look west during conjunction, you’ll see a bright spot on the left and an even brighter spot on the right, corresponding to Jupiter and Venus, respectively.

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Although Venus is smaller, it appears brighter than Jupiter. “Because of Venus’ atmosphere, the planet shines brightly when the sun’s rays hit it,” Ortega emphasized.

The next conjunction will be in March, especially on the 22nd, when the Moon and Jupiter will be exalted at their closest point.

However, the next astronomical event will be the vernal equinox on March 20 at 5:44 PM (Puerto Rico time).

Misty Tate

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