Labor Minister Julio Cordero gathered his agents. He warned that he would implement a series of rules to unify administrative processes and departments. This is a series of measures that have historically been under scrutiny for their ambiguity and discretion.
Minister of Labor, Julio Cordero met yesterday with his government of undersecretaries. and their working groups. As InfoGremiales learned, the appointment was an announcement that the analysis would begin to implement the “Guidelines Unification of operations and administrative departments Inside the Ministry of Labor.
Sources from the portfolio confirmed that “Cordero expressed his concern to his team and the need to move quickly on the changes.” Improving administrative processes, many of which lack efficiency and transparency. And it needs to be amended to comply with the Administrative Procedures Law.
The amendments presented by Cordero will then be framed in the changes implemented under the provisions contained in the Basic Law. The objectives, among others, are: Agree on deadlines at each step, so there are no “withdrawals” and check the chain of command, so they don’t come out with “one signature”.
The actions of the Ministry of Labour, now the General Secretariat, have historically been the subject of questions from various actors in the world of work. On many occasions, there has been talk about this “Managers” Who visited the different parts and who sold the service? Speed up signatures or speed up file transit.
Cordero's initiative is not the first in recent history to focus on organizing the administrative department of the Workers' Party. So far, the intentions have not been fully realized, sometimes due to a lack of conviction, and at other times due to the conflicting times in which it was placed.