Cracks in watermelon | Cracks in watermelon? Science reveals the mystery

With the Heat arrival And summer, an essential element in every Spanish home Very fresh watermelon Ready for consumption. Eating this fruit in summer is almost impossible Spanish tradition Which can’t be missed every year. Either of Dessert or snackA slice of watermelon always puts you in a good mood.

It is around this fruit that was created Several legendsSome of them are true, others not so much. about him to express; Up to a 95% consists of water. It’s because of that Many claim that there are no limits when it comes to eating This and other fruits It doesn’t provide a lot of nutrients either. to our diet due to its “poor” composition.

for every 100 grams barely contain 20 caloriess, so your The glycemic index is very high. Sugars will be absorbed quickly due to their low fiber content. despite of It is not ideal if we want to lose weightIt is still a very healthy food.

Tricks about watermelon

It is one of the most prominent nutrients in it LycopeneWhat is this Antioxidants Which Gives red colour Very characteristic of this fruit. Tomatoes also share these nutrients.

that it Carotene what do you have Ability to reduce oxidative radical damage Which tends to attack our system. very Useful in disease prevention work Cardiovascular and other non-communicable diseases or even cancer.

Out Other tricks About this food as being what it claims to beIf the watermelon has cracks it can explode. he Lawsuit It was that they were It was previously sprayed with cancer-causing pesticides These accumulate in the cracks.

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he Chemistry expert José Miguel Mollet explains what are you Boron deficiency Or he has problems with the composition of his seeds. And That pesticide Carcinogen – forclofenuron – used for Promote growth. DrThere is no evidence that it is carcinogenic, nor is it used for watermelon.. If not what is Used for kiwi leaves -In Europe- and it never comes to fruition.

Mullet explains that this is a trick about cracks It arose from the idea of ​​some pictures received in China Where I know They noticed some exploded watermelons From the inside. the Real interpretation Yet this framework is that they have Chemicals used In these fruits. They said pesticides were used As a facade To charge against the use of these.

Although no cracks were observed in that farce, Mullet explains that cracks can develop as a result Rapid growth of “meat” Of this fruit several times Beyond the crust.

Now you know what is the origin of watermelon that has cracks inside. These are completely safe for consumption. despite of There are some Recommendations of the Consumer and User Organization (OCU) which provides tips for choosing the perfect watermelon.

the Best productions Of this fruit is given between End of May and beginning of September. Usually they can be tested if we give them a little Knock small and listen if it sounds hollow or not.

he color It is another indicator; it can not be Not too pale nor too intense. It’s easier to notice those that come split whether they’re at the ideal point of ripeness or not.

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Myrtle Frost

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