Cruise Azul | Brian Anglo uses Santiago Kimenes

5-0. That’s the score in the fight they maintain Brian Anglo Y Santiago Kimines For the second striker position on the team. Ecuador has a wider advantage than the youth team Blue Cross It seems to be optional Juan Rhinoso, Which is very thought provoking Liga M.X. Such as Concomps.

The most recent fight against him Toronto FC This is Anglo’s last exhibition in the first leg of the international quarterfinals. Amazing Gunner was sent off with two goals to ensure his team’s victory and left the pass on track for the semifinals. Divide the first note in his two entries, where he demonstrated the speed, power and accuracy with which he showed his character.

But his numbers are not limited to the Confederations, he has already ‘made his debut’ as a scorer in the MX League and has two holes so far in this tournament. His background in local competitions reaches 379 minutes on the grass, Less than what Sacquito had.

Shanti played 488 minutes throughout the match, not counting his participation in the 8-0 win against him. Arkahai FC, It went to zero. However, despite playing with the sky most of the time, Pebot was unable to start his scoring account this semester.

If there had been a discussion about Jonathan Rodriguez’s comrade in the attack at the beginning of the campaign, there would have been no possible argument that would not have put the South American in a more favorable position at this point. Five goals since he came to the club and hopefully through the roof Reasons why Cruz created Brian Anglo as the second striker for Azul.

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Removed in the quarterfinals


Wilmot Chandler

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