Cubans illuminate the stage of Got Talent Spain with a dangerous number to the tune of Baby Loris’ “La Mujer del Pelodero”

A group of Cuban acrobats, named Advant, set the stage Talent got Espana With Presentation full of risks, tensions and emotions.

Seven young Cubans, aged 25 to 28 and defining themselves as “friends but almost family”, began to count their rhythms So far they are, Apache, with some complex acrobatics, they showed their coordination, concentration and strength.

The artists decided to increase the tension and anticipation between the judge and the audience and increase the rhythm Wife of the playerThe famous jump rope from Baby Loris landed in the game, but with shocking issues.

The last number, despite stumbling and shooting their nerves and audience, got it and was able to show something they had never seen before on the stage of a popular TV show, which has begun auditions for its sixth edition.

“What a brutality, I have never seen anything like this. I do not know what to say, I am shocked,” said singer, actress and presenter Edurne, a longtime member of the jury on the show.

Although they did not get Risto Mejidin’s hard ‘yes’ from acid reviewer and author, who was known for his surprises with very low presentations, the Cubans received a ‘yes’ from the other jury, which allows them to move on to the next stage of the competition.

The same Friday, they appeared in auditions Talent got Espana Two young Cuban acrobats, surprising in unprecedented numbers They fly in the air only with their hair.

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Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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