Danilo Díaz calls on PLD leaders to complain about “pre-marked ballots”.

Danilo Díaz, the representative of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) to the Central Electoral Board, together with Danilo Medina, suggested that representatives of that organization and alternates in polling stations and precincts and leaders of the PLD report. Several cases of pre-marked ballots.

“He advised them to get in touch with them to resolve the issue and, together with the representatives, appoint someone to replace the president of the college or appoint someone to review the ballots,” Diaz said.

At the Provincial House of María Auxiliadora in the San Juan Bosco neighborhood, in the National District, former President of the Republic Danilo Medina denounced the purchase of identity cards and the installation of proselytizing tents in Greater Santo Domingo. Disguised as the Dominican Red Cross.

The Electoral Affairs Secretariat warned on several reports that great care is needed in marking the ballot papers, as the marks will be crossed on the paper and if marked with others below will affect the rest of the votes.

Likewise, he called the voters to vote, there are two trends, one is represented by the ruling party and the other is the trend of the opposition.

Absentees highlighted the importance of exercising their constitutional right to choose who runs the state's coffers.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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