Delta Variation: Restrictions on Airports Around the World If You Are Traveling – More Regions – International

If you want to travel, you have to take it into account Health restrictions Due to infection Govit-19 They are constantly changing between countries. So, we mainly tell you what are the current activities Airports Tourist sites in the world.

(Read here: Why does the delta variation keep America on the ropes?)

United States

United States It is also one of the most open countries to the outside world during epidemics. Entry into this area is conditional only on the appearance of high-risk areas based on Govt-19.

The latest negative Govt-19 test must be submitted to enter, and the CDC recommends entering Isolation If its presence is unknown to prevent the virus from spreading. In addition, a notification and certification form and the associated visa must be submitted from each notification country.


International travel Italy Those coming from outside the country are only allowed for compulsory or urgent reasons European union And Schengen area. Tourism is currently rejected in the entry ban exemptions; However, work or study trips that cannot be done remotely are included in the permits.

Those staying in Brazil, India, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka for the 14 days prior to the trip will be denied entry to the country. Your presence is mandatory for EU residents Govt Certificate Digital or paper, other travelers must undergo a negative Govt-19 test or their vaccination.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spain One announced Temporary closure Tourists entering the country for tourism and study from July 27, which adds to the pre-determined 10-day isolation.

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In other words, only those with an urgent reason and those who cannot postpone their trip, such as essential workers, are allowed to enter. In addition, a vaccination certificate must be issued when the vaccine is approved by EU health authorities.


The Japanese government has closed its borders for tourism or non-essential visits. Applicable exceptions include flights for medical or humanitarian reasons, among others.

Entrants must be in compulsory isolation for 14 days, although the person may be allowed to move to a private place on the third day in the event of a negative decision. Covit-19 test.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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