Deportees will be transferred to their native places.

City of Juarez.– After Title 42 ends and Title 8 is extended to all nationalities, about 250 immigrants who can return through this border daily are expected to stay and be mobilized from here to their countries of origin.

“The intent is that none of these people deported under Title 8 stay at the border, that’s the information we have from immigration. We agreed that they report these special measures,” explained Oscar Ibáñez Hernández, representative of the state government in Juárez.

“These people will be transferred by the National Immigration Agency (INM) to their countries of origin, if the government of Mexico agrees or to the south of the country they can resume their process or return in their own way to their country,” the official said.

Although Ibáñez Hernández assured that he did not know the details of the transfer operations: “I do not know the operational details of how he intends to do it, I know that the intention is for the transfer to be done immediately,” he said.

He opined that since Title 42 is not in effect, they don’t expect a wave of immigrants to come to Juárez.

“We don’t expect that, what the INM proposes is to be tough on the flow of migrants from the south to the north, so there are a series of measures that it will take and that we are going to support, but they imagine that they are operations. No caravans have been detected, it is not expected that there will be an unusual movement of migrants towards the border,” He said.

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As part of an agreement between Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and the United States, it was confirmed this week that 250 migrants from four nationalities would be deported by Juárez every day and sent directly to their home countries. , at a meeting with Joe Biden on Tuesday.

The agreement means that only immigrants from four nations—Haiti, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua—will be sent back through Mexico, through four border towns: Juárez; Black Stones, Coahuila; and two from Tamaulipas, a total of one thousand newspapers.

“However, INM is not going to let all the people deported in this situation at the border, and in turn they are going to be transferred, because the government of Mexico is making repatriation agreements with those countries.” mentioned.

“We don’t have an estimate of how many migrants there are in the city. The situation of migrants has changed a lot in the last two weeks,” he opined.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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