Diagnosis of prostate cancer by fusion biopsy

Prostate fusion biopsy it is currently the most effective method for diagnosing prostate cancer. This means fusion of multiparametric magnetic resonance images (mpMRI), which highlights a suspicious area, with the ultrasound image obtained in real time the next generation bk3000 ultrasound, specialized in Urology. The overlay is done using special software, bkFusion.

The fusion performed by the bk3000 ultrasound provides a three-dimensional map of the prostate and suspicious prostate lesions and guides the biopsy needle directly to the suspicious areas of cancer. Therefore, the use of mpMRI-guided puncture is associated with greater detection of clinically significant prostate cancer compared to routine biopsies.

Among the benefits of fusion ultrasound are greater precision in identifying suspicious lesions requiring additional evaluations, reducing the number of tissue fragments needed during puncture, decreased pain and risk of infection and bleeding, and a shorter recovery time.

Fusion biopsy It can be recommended for all patients with an indication for prostate biopsy, patients who require a new puncture due to suspected prostate cancer despite a negative standard prostate puncture, or patients diagnosed with prostate cancer who are in the active follow-up stage.

At the SANADOR Clinical Hospital, the fusion biopsy technique has been available since October 2020, using the bk 3000 ultrasound scanner and bk Fusion software.

The bk3000 ultrasound is easy to use and enables an optimal workflow between urologists and radiologists. They can benefit from the high definition image scans generated by the bk3000 for the following procedures:

  • detailed examination of the prostate. Imaging of the prostate can be performed in two planes and in a longitudinal and radial direction simultaneously, allowing the examination of the prostate from the apex to the neck of the bladder;

  • imaging scan of the kidneys, bladder, and testicles. Excellent Doppler resolution allows visualization of vascularization that is not normally visible with standard ultrasound;

  • faster and more accurate prostate biopsies, transrectal and transperineal biopsies;

  • during image-guided brachytherapy treatments, thus being able to manage treatments with much more precision.

The use of the bk3000 ultrasound also brings a number of benefits to the medical team. In the case of prostate investigations, the working procedure is simplified for the urologist, who can see the contour of the prostate without the help of a radiologist, directly on the ultrasound monitor.

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Myrtle Frost

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