DTAAP to install traffic lights at intersections after the death of a minority.

The mayor of the city of Salinas, Carlin Bonilla Golan, called on the administration of the Department of Transport and Public Works (DTOP) and the Highways and Transportation Authority (Law). Tesso 180 State Highway, meeting with Pacio Manuel Gonzalez, towards the Floyd community.

“Unfortunately, we have a second death within a month of that encounter. It’s not even been a week since we had reports of car accidents in that area, and the DTO has been asked to carry out a traffic inspection to install a traffic light or take some other safety measures to address this issue. We have been demanding for many years to write the B and Act., ”Explained the former Director (now negotiating) of the State Organization for Emergency Management and Disaster Management.

Last February, a motor boat driver was killed when he collided with a car, another accident yesterday, where a 14-year-old died. The mayor pointed out that, as a result, state agencies have installed a tool to monitor traffic in the area “but that was a year ago, but we do not know the outcome.” In BR 180 this detour was made to handle the heavy and regular traffic of the city and became one of the most important places in Salinas.

“There is nothing comparable to the pain of families who have lost a loved one in an accident. I repeat, we have two dangerous cases in the area within a month. This situation must be resolved immediately. If we had the legal strength to resolve this in the municipality, it would have been done a long time ago. But it was the federal government.” It is in the hands of companies, ”concluded Bonilla Golan.

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