Due to space constraints, specimens are being transported from the Lyon Zoo.

Mexico City, September 13, 2024.- The animals that were transported on public roads were rescued, others were secured by the Attorney General's Office of the Republic, and another animal was rescued by a municipality in Guanajuato.

The Leon Zoo indicated that it was impossible to continue protecting these specimens, due to the lack of adequate space for them, so the Representative Office for Environmental Protection in Guanajuato carried out the transfer of three animals to a property managed by the Wildlife Conservation Society (PIMVS) in Jalisco.

The transfer took place on September 11 and the specimens were green iguanas. (iguana iguana), tiger cub (Tiger Tigris) and a little spider monkey (Atles Geophrogius).

There are still two specimens at the zoo receiving urgent care: a white-tailed deer calf (odocoileus virginianus), Because of his old age and because he had not eaten food for a day and a rattlesnake (Crotalus polystictus), There is no injury and he will be released away from urban areas.

A desert tortoise found by firefighters on a dirt road and taken to the zoo was taken to a specialized veterinary clinic in Lyon for medical care, where damage to its shell was observed, as well as a stent (an inflammatory mass or mass).

The Guanajuato Environmental Authority will follow up on the administrative process of the samples.

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Myrtle Frost

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