Edentulism2023: Science, Research, and Solutions

In the world of dental, maxillofacial and prosthodontic surgeons, Every patient is unique, every medical history is different Patient expectations can range from pure functionality to advanced aesthetics. So, It is essential that you have a wide range of treatment optionsand thus be able to offer real alternatives in all cases.

hand by hand Zygoma ZAGA centersAnd Dr. Carlos Aparicio, Professor Chris Butterworth, and Dr. Manuel Martin created Edentulism2023conference with More than 25 international speakersexperts and ready to provide, From a scientific perspective, the latest discoveries, treatments, and conclusions to bring about improvements in the treatment of patients with poor teeth.

and that is , Behind every treatment is a remarkable research processand basic tests and results. For this reason, in Edentulism2023, Specialists will build their presentations according to their publications and scientific findings Found through his many years of experience. The techniques, recommendations and protocols for each treatment are state of the art.


Among the speakers at Edentulism2023 we find Professor Chantal Malevez,
Professor Chris Butterworth, Dr. Costa Nikolopoulos, Dr. Petros Yovanoglou, Dr. Carlos Aparicio, Dr. Dan Holtzclaw, Dr. Guy Neugarten, Dr. Masami Ando, ​​Dr. Eduardo Nikolaevsky, Dr. Nicholas Egbert, Dr. Enrico Agliardi, Dr. Anita Visser, Dr. Manuel Martin Locke, Dr. Fadi Yasmine, Dr. Luke Frelink, Dr. Anna Ferro, d. Robin Dafoe, Dr. Guy McClellan, Dr. Prof. Ole Jensen, Dr. Luca Di Stavola, Dr. Antonio Olivo, Dr. Pietro Ferraris, and Dr. Giovanni Nicoli.

For being the first time that a conference is being held on an international scale and is only for patients with health problems, Edentulism2023 will take place from 4 to 6 May 2023 in Gran Canaria.

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Eden Tooth 2023 will be A unique opportunity to learn about the latest trends in the treatment of toothless patients At the hands of the best experts in complete arch rehabilitation,” says Dr. Carlos Aparicio, founder of the ZAGA Centers network and speaker at Edentulism2023.

You can find all information about Edentulism2023 at https://edentulism2023.com

Myrtle Frost

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