Today, the EFE Agency received the Spanish Mides-MEDicine Award for Best Institution, awarded by the Lilly Foundation, for the promotion of the Spanish language in medical and scientific knowledge.
This award, collected by the President of the EFE, Gabriela Canas, was presented in the framework of the Meases Conference organized by the Lilly Foundation in the summer sessions of the Complutense University of El Escorial.
The Meds Awards are given annually in two categories, Best Institution, an award awarded by EFE, and Best Initiative won by the COVID-19 Dictionary Project, to facilitate the reliable transmission of scientific information and to enhance its understanding by the general public.
The jury for this award honors EFE for its long history in the dissemination of science and culture and, in particular, highlights the work carried out through the creation of related initiatives such as FundéuRAE, EFEsalud and the Department of Science.
The President of the EFE thanked for granting this recognition and noted that the agency’s science and health journalists have encouraged citizens, in times of great uncertainty, as a result of COVID-19, with accuracy, verification, and specialization.
Gabriela Canas highlighted, through their news, that they carried out awareness-raising, awareness-raising, education and inclusion work that undoubtedly led to the interest of society in general and the press in particular.
In his speech after receiving the award, Cañas stressed that all this public service work is done in Spanish, not only to promote the Spanish language, but also interest in it. For this, it was necessary to re-launch FundéRAE, a service that was re-established thanks to the close cooperation between the Royal Academy of Language and the EFE Agency.
The Director of the Lilly Foundation, José Antonio Sacristan, congratulated the EFE and FundéuRAE for their rigorous work on language and the dissemination of scientific knowledge and for “thanks to their work being given a place for the MESCO Awards”.
The MIDS Awards jury is made up of history of science professors, professors of medicine and health sciences, journalists, translators, and experts in biomedical documentation.
The 16th edition of the MESCO Conference, taking place today, has analyzed the challenge of understanding how science is produced, consumed and publicly shared in the field of biomedicine.