“Elizabeth Silverio’s Gangland Treatment Center Closed for Violation of Sanitation Law 42-01” | Daily list

Directed by the Congland Center for Neurocognitive Therapies and Psychotherapies Elizabeth SillioClaimed to be a neuroscientist, he was questioned about the veracity of his topics, is closed For Violation of Health Act.

The company’s doors were sealed this Monday, and some environmental workers said No one entered the place.

Meanwhile, there is a public health notice at the entrance indicating that the center is closed “For Violation of Sanitation Law 42-01”.

This law has as its main purpose “regulating all activities that allow the State to effectively exercise the right to health of the population recognized in the Constitution of the Dominican Republic”, according to the provisions of Article 1.

Trial of Silverio

An investigation was released on last Saturday’s show “No Press Inquiry”Nuria Baira assured that it was Elizabeth Silverio He falsified graduate and doctoral degrees certifying that he was a neuroscientist.

Bira revealed some typographical errors in the documents, and the exequatur used by the interrogator corresponds to a doctor of the same name.

Elizabeth Silverio Treatment Center is closed for violation of Health Law 42-01

Following this investigation, the Licensing and Accreditation Area and the Public Health Legal Department decided to close the Center.

Central Services

Services offered by this treatment center include neuro-inclusive school, neuro-inclusive preschool for ages 2 to 6, personalized homework rooms, educational level, speech therapy, speech therapy; Occupational therapy, music therapy, art therapy.

In addition, fine motor therapy, gross motor, cognitive neurointervention, tailored treatment programs according to the diagnosed condition and specific intervention in the syndromes and disorders.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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