Environmentalists clean the riverbank to turn it into a space of coexistence and harmony

Concerned about the conditions and environment of the border, nearly 100 volunteers and members from various social groups dedicated themselves to cleaning the banks of the Rio Grande, near the Turtle Park.

The group was composed, among others, of individuals from the companies Lear and Lexmark, who dedicated themselves to removing rubbish and waste from the river bank, from the Turtle Park, and about 3 or 4 kilometers west of the city, in order to preserve the space of coexistence and enjoyment that it represents for hundreds of Juárez families. .

Sarah Romero, marketing director at United Way Chihuahua, explained the activity that took place Saturday morning on the banks of the Rio Grande River, near the turtle park located west of the mayor's office.

“This is our most important event during the activities of Somos Comunidad, an initiative that we carry out with the associations that we support and with the companies that support us at the same time, to improve the general conditions in the city in different areas,” he explained.

“Somos Comunidad's activities have ended today, cleaning the banks of the Rio Grande, mainly due to the conditions in which we found them. For many families, it is the only place for recreation and rest with their children. We have found that the conditions of the park are not ideal for this. There is garbage, “There is waste, and this could pose a danger to them.”

Accordingly, he indicated that they undertook the task of coordinating efforts with corporate partners such as Lear and Lexmark, to gather a group of about a hundred volunteers.

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“With them, we will clean up this entire area of ​​the Rio Grande, from Turtle Park and about three or four kilometers to the west of the city. “We value this area as an area with great potential to be able to positively impact more families by improving A space for them to live together and entertain themselves,” a United Way representative announced.

“An important part of this activity today is to raise awareness of the importance of having a space free of litter, which does not pose a risk to our children and families, including mental health resulting from being in a clean and organized place. The feeling of peace is completely different,” he said.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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