Fantasy and science fiction afternoon at La Capona this Friday

The Catalan Book Week, held in Barcelona from 10 to 19 this month, will live an advance in Tarragona this Friday day 3 at La Llibreria La Capona, from the hand of two referents of science fiction and fantasy in Catalan, the publishing houses Chronos and Mai Més Llibres. For the occasion, the bookstore has prepared a draw under the hastag #aparadorcificat. The prize is a voucher of 50 euros to spend on science fiction and fantasy books and to get it you have to match the 10 references to works of the genre hidden in the window prepared for the occasion. The deadline to participate is the 19th of this month.

The news
In relation to the fantastic and science fiction afternoon, three will be the works that will be presented. On the part of the Never More portal, the novelties are Las machines del caos, by Ricard Efa and Barcelona 2059. Ciudad de posthuman, a compilation by different authors. While, Chronos will present L’Extern, by Ada Hoffmann.

The Chaos Machines is the first novel by Ricard Efe. The story it presents is a tribute to the cyberpunk genre, in which two powers coexist separated by a giant wall. Three women who will approach the chaos, an animal stampede or a robot of Japanese tradition are some of its elements.

Meanwhile, Barcelona 2059 is a compilation of intertwined stories about a posthuman city that was born in front of the Barcelona of 2059.

Finally, L’Extern (Chronos) is Ada Hoffmann’s first novel, the first in a trilogy that mixes space opera and cosmic horror. In it, the author creates a particular world in which supercomputers have evolved to the point of becoming divinities. Thus, the researcher, Yasira Shien, has manufactured an energy source that is equated with divine technology. In this universe highlights a protagonist, the Shien, non-normative and autistic, as is the author. Information and reservations for the appointment: [email protected]

See also  Six knights traveled in space and time
  • Tarragona
  • La Capona Bookstore
  • Chronos
  • Never More Books
  • cyberpunk
  • science fiction in Catalan
  • fantasy

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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