Four activists were arrested for protesting at British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's house

Activists protested at Rishi Sunak's house

Four people were arrested This Tuesday under suspicion of British Prime Minister's house severely broken into Rishi Sunak In the north of England, local police said in a statement.

“This afternoon we arrested four people on the grounds of the Prime Minister's house. “Our officers were with the four a minute after they entered the premises,” the statement said.

An activist group called Youth Demand posted the videos on social media A youth entering a lake on property and defecating is an act against Sunak government. The group wants to block the granting of new oil and gas licenses, and calls for a two-way arms embargo on Israel.

Four activists, whose identities have not been released, were arrested on suspicion of home invasion

According to North Yorkshire Police, those arrested are a 52-year-old man from London, a 43-year-old man from Bolton (North England), a 21-year-old from Manchester (North) and a 20-year-old man from Chichester (South England). The youth claimed that a press photographer was among the four arrested.

All four have been detained at the police station while access to Sunak's home in Kirby Sixton block is investigated.

This incident took place in the state Propaganda The British general election on July 4 will determine whether Sunak remains in power. Polls and pundits have predicted that Labor will take power after 14 years of Conservative government.

According to analysts consulted by the news agency EFEOne of the election's biggest unknowns is knowing the extent of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's 'Tories' defeat, which could shatter all precedent.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (REUTERS)

“It's not as wildly enthusiastic as you might think Labor is leading (in the polls). Quite the contrary There is a lot of anger towards the ruling party.said Rob Ford, professor of political science at the University of Manchester. For this expert, elections are, with greater frequency, a verdict on the incumbent, causing a “pendulum effect” in the United Kingdom.

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The peculiar British electoral system, where each MP is elected by one constituency in the country, makes it very difficult for smaller parties to gain representation in the House of Commons, increasing citizen discontent.

A survey published two weeks ago reflects this Half of citizens (45%) “almost never” trust the governmentEither color represents the highest number since the question began being asked in 1986.

Sunak's decision to call an election for July 4, which looked set to go to an election in the fall, threw the country into disarray. The Conservative leader wanted to take advantage of the surprise factor and capitalize on a certain improvement in macroeconomic conditions. however, Election campaigning is a real 'road of the cross' for the head of government. Some pollsters predicted he would lose his home seat in the north of England, something that has never happened.

(With information from AP, EFE and Reuters)

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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