Francisca Lachapel found her wedding dress and shared with us what this intimate moment was like

Francesca Lachchabel She finds her wedding dress, she already has it, and is ready to walk into the arms of her girlfriend Francesco Zambokna. In an interview with El Diario de Nueva York, the host of Despierta America told us how it was to find her dress. He told us that he lived that moment that all brides say. At that moment you try on the dress and instinctively realize that this is it.

The Univision star compared this moment in front of her dress to the moment when she realized that Francesco Zambokna was the right man for her.

“I’m crazy to see you, but you’ll have to wait for the big day. But it’s the dream dress, the experience they tell you, you wear it and feel it:” This is the dress “… I know what I put. You know when I met Francesco: “That man is mine”. It was the same with the dress.He told us in an exclusive interview.

Enjoy this pleasant conversation with Francisca Lachapel here:

We also learned that Francesca is teaming up with Amazon to organize a list of gifts, some of which have already arrived at her home. The importance of Amazon in this process is that along with them the driver finds many benefits, namely: gifts that guests have not purchased or are pending, and Francisco and her husband can receive them with a 20% discount. . Amazon confirmed this information to us, adding: “Furthermore, we can support our small Latin businesses available on Amazon by adding to the registry.”

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If you want to access the Amazon Wedding section, click here:

Read more about Francisca Lachapel:
Francesca Lachchapel’s wedding is approaching, and we ask her if Jomri Coyso will do her hair
Francesca Laczabell says: “You are so beautiful, you have achieved your goal”
Francisca Lachapel was surprised by a fiery bachelorette party

Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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