Georgia has withdrawn a certificate of Biden’s victory amid Trump’s pressure campaign. He then issued the notice again

The US state of Georgia made 3 communications in a single day as a result of counting votes from the US presidential election. He first announced that Democratic candidate Joe Biden had won, and later withdrew the announcement, re-announcing Biden’s victory a few hours later.

According to official certification, Biden won by a margin of 12,670 votes in Georgia, or 0.26% of the nearly 5 million votes counted in that state. Sixteen voters in the U.S. National Electoral College thus fall to the Democratic nominee.

As Secretary of State, I think the numbers are right. These figures reflect the judgment of the people, not the decision of the Secretary of State or the President of one of the courts or election committees, “said Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensberg.r.

Certification of election results is usually a formality, but the process has changed a lot New Battlefield in the effort Current President Donald Trump must stick to power. His team cAmbanie Try to prevent or delay certification in key states of trust That’s itTo overthrow Biden’s victory through the Electoral College, Reports CNN.

This means Devin In practice It is not possible for major states to certify their presidential decisions before December 8, the so-called deadline under federal law. Now that Georgia has certified its results, Congress is compelled The Respect.

Rafensberger opposed these efforts Done By Trump and his allies Republicans From To undermine the vote-counting process in the state and to firmly defend the integrity of Georgia’s presidential race.

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Now that the results are certified, Trump has the right to ask for one Number of votes in Georgia, Due to the narrow margin. The deadline is Tuesday afternoon.

Governor of the Republic Al George, Brian Kemp, Must be signed by Saturday Those documents Attribute What officiallyI 16 His volumes Georgia Biden, under state law. Kemp is expected to announce a press conference on Friday afternoon confirming the election vote for Python. According to sources quoted by CNN.

IBefore the audit, Kemp Law TriggerIn on Rafensberger Take any false accusation seriouslyI lA vote. This, given Trump and Team To Launched Unsubstantiated allegations Sees Massive abuse and fraud in Georgia.

Trump has mentioned the governor in at least six tweetsOn, Encourages the gum to “harden” and stand upThe to “Wrong Republican ”, despite voters in Georgia l-They argued Ann Biden, Democratic candidate. He encouraged Kempe to “take the lead” after it became clear that the audit did not reveal widespread malpractice.

But in tweetsDirty, Trump Law And attacked Kemp blamed him for the government’s legal agreement with Democracy earlier this yearYou On the ballot By mail. The Rafansberger office said Trump had misrepresented the deal, known as the Approval Order It offers less ChequeCountries To These are Ballots.

Donald Trump responded on Twitter after receiving a certificate of results in Georgia.

The governor and secretary of state of Georgia refuse to analyze signatures exposing hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots, which would give the Republican Party and me a huge victory. Why shouldn’t they do it, and why should they rush to certify a meaningless conclusion? ”He wrote.

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Author: Liviu Gojan

Gillian Patton

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