Google deletes inactive accounts, but not YouTube videos

Google’s policy change is confusing Mass deletion of inactive accounts. Yes, all accounts that have not been used for two years will be repeatedly warned and deleted from December 2023. But I saw. A lot of concern about the loss of historical videos From YouTube as a result of this cleaningStill One of the two Unique Exceptions From Google for policy change: Accounts with videos No YouTube Deleted. Other exceptions are accounts that pay for certain types of subscriptions Google.

This has been confirmed google in An upgrade From his blog: “If you’ve set up an existing subscription through your Google Account, for example Google One, News Release or Apps, we’re treating this as one activity and your account won’t be affected. Additionally, we do not plan to delete accounts with YouTube videos at this time.”

If you do a quick search on Twitter, you’ll see the main concern about it Google Ads are YouTube videos. YouTube is used for many things, but overall it acts as a service to the community Huge video archive. YouTube has recorded tutorials, viral videos, video compilations and historical moments. lie The feeling that they will always be a backup of our multimedia file.

The truth is, for now, Google has no plans to remove them. This will save the company more than one headache: videos of dead people who may have been lost People who lost their old access cGoogle Account, among other things. But there’s no guarantee that a policy change involving YouTube won’t come in the future.

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In short, from December 2023, Google will remove it Inactive accounts People who don’t have videos on YouTube and don’t subscribe. It takes a lot Gmail, Google Drive and Petabytes of data stored Google Photos, plus Google Docs, Google Contacts and Google Calendar Calendars.

It’s easy to avoid. First, you will get several notifications from Google before the cleaning starts. Second, because Google considers any of these actions as an action: reading email, using Google Drive, watching a YouTube video while signed in, downloading an app from Google Play, searching Google while signed in and using your Google Account to sign in to other services.

Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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