Google Maps shows how the El Sao Dell 8 neighborhood looks today

Dear neighborhood 8 year old boy It is one of the most memorable places on Latin American and world television. To date, millions of users can visit the neighborhood page Google Map, Although it was once a faithful pastime.

We know, in which the neighborhood Roberto Gomez Polanos He left his best television years.It was not a perfect place because it was set in a television studio, nowadays it is not so.

However, Sanfle y Reconstruction Restaurant, built on a theme with all the characters and works of ‘Cesprito’, is one of the most perfect entertainment nearby.

Google Maps: Nearby location of El Chao del 8

El Chao neighborhood entertainment is located in Mexico City, exactly at Cto Centro Comercial 2251, Cd. Satélite, 53100 Naucalpan de Juárez.

In addition, there are some photos of the restaurant on Google Maps so that you can feel how similar that construction is to ‘Cesperito’ and all its cast.

Google Maps: The surroundings of El Chao del 8 are visible in the Sanfle restaurant and restoration.

Neighborhood of El Chao del 8

People from all over the world have come to this restaurant to keep the pictures taken and to believe that they are in the neighborhood. In fact, many YouTubers evaluate videos and describe their experience.

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Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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