Harnas Alley from India won the Miss Universe title Entertainment

In the final round of the beauty pageant held in Israel, three people answered the same question.

Three finalists, Miss Sudaprika, Listen to what Lali Mswane has to say; Miss Paraguay, Nadia Ferreira; Y Miss India, Harnas Alley, from the 70th edition The beauty of the universe They had to answer the same question in the final round, and Miss India’s answer was much better and heir to the Mexican Andrea Mesa.

The question is how to advise the thousands of women who see you now to deal with stress.

Harnas Alley, New Miss Universe: “I want to encourage women and men alike”

This is Miss India’s answer: “I think the biggest pressure young people face today is to trust themselves. Two, you know that you are unique and that is what makes you beautiful, stop comparing yourself to others, and talk about important things that are happening around the world. This is what I think you need to understand, go out and speak for yourself, because you are the leader of your life, you are your own voice, I believed in myself, that is why I stand here today.

Miss South Africa: “I urge today’s young women to choose courage rather than comfort in every opportunity available to them. I want women to know from the beginning that they have something in them to achieve what they want, and unfortunately this world does not trust us. “

Miss Suda Africa, listen to what Lali Maswane has to say. Photo: EFE

Miss Paraguay: “I have experienced many difficult situations in my life, but I’m gone through it, so all the women, and all the people who are watching now, should join forces to do what you have to do, because you can do it. Whatever the situation, you can overcome it and you can always succeed.”

Miss Paraguay. Nadia Ferreira. Photo: EFE

Was to become the second runner-up Miss Sudaprika, Lalela Lali Mswane, and took first and second place Miss Paraguay, Nadia Ferreira. (e)

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Gillian Patton

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