He believes there is a “great danger” of dying in office, as did Haitian Prime Minister Jovnell Moyes

Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry believes he is in danger of dying while in office. As happened with former President Jovnell Moyes, What Assassinated in July 2021 At his home in Port-au-Prince.

In an interview with the Gazette, Henry argued that the prime minister’s intention was to “lead the country to credible elections that would guarantee the country’s stability.” Revealed that may die while trying. Something he had “known” since he took office.

“If a president who is guarded by so many security guards in his room could be assassinated, why should I not be killed? I am not a superman,” said the Haitian ‘Prime Minister’, who stressed that this thought strikes him every time you travel across the country. .

Henry cited an assassination attempt on his life in JanuaryDuring a country’s Independence Day celebration at a church in Connaught, armed men entered the area and opened fire.

In that interview, he pointed out that his vehicle was also hit that day and that it was hit by a shell. “Only my vehicle that day was hit by bullets in the entourage.” Lamented.

Finally, Henry told citizens that “killing executives is not a solution, it’s not going to work” but that he wants his “mission” to “move forward.”

Ever since Moise’s assassination on July 7, epilepsy Political and economic situation in Haiti Got worse. Soon the power vacuum decomposed into a Security crisis, daily killings and abductionsEspecially in large areas of the capital.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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