How much does an architect earn in Mexico | Salary

Architecture It is the art and technique of planning and design Focuses on the design, creation, development and restoration of buildings, spaces and/or structures, specific spaces. Based on human needs.

from 1st October 2004 was chosen as Architects DayIt seeks to recognize and celebrate the work and contribution of these professionals to creating positive environments for individual and collective life.

According to the Mexican Government’s Labor Observatory, The architecture and urban planning profession registers 240,510 professionals, with a monthly average of 15,248 pesos, although not all of them practice.

Architectural life is constantly evolving because human needs are changing and it is now necessary to create spaces with technology, sustainability and content.

Where can I study architecture?

Most public universities offer a degree in architecture, although it depends on many aspects, so you can choose where to study; Educational level, professional development, educational offer, teachers... these Schools to Study Architecture in Mexico:

  • National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
  • National Polytechnic Institute (IPN)
  • Autonomous University of Mexico (UAM)
  • University of Guadalajara (UTG)
  • Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL)
  • University of Baja California (UABC)
  • Institute of Technology and Advanced Studies of Monterey (ITESM)
  • Ibio-American University

How much do architects earn in Mexico?

Salary of an architect in the Mexican Republic It depends on many factors; Experience, state where you work, type of company or employer and expertise.
According to the Ministry of Economy, in the second quarter of 2023 147 thousand people work as architects in Mexico and their average monthly salary is 7 thousand 260 pesos.

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The Better salary Average earned by architects, urban and transportation planners Baja California Sur with 25,400 pesos, Durango 20 thousand pesos, Sinaloa 13 thousand 900 pesos, when With 26,000 people, Mexico City has the largest number of professionals21,500 people are employed in Jalisco and 10,200 in the state of Mexico.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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