I hope they understand that they tried to stage a coup on #28July

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The First Vice-President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Psuv), Diosdado Cabello, this October 9, pledged that Chavismo would always be at the side of Colombian President Gustavo Pedro after he laid charges against the National Electoral Council (CNE). His 2022 campaign was “financed in violation.”


“We will always support Pedro without double standards. “I have nothing to choose between Pedro and Ivan Duque, it's clear that I'm going to support Pedro,” the Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace said on his weekly TV show 'Con el Maso Danto'.

Deostato told Pedro that the trial against him would serve as a lesson for the Colombian president to “understand” that he tried to stage a “coup” against Venezuela when presidential elections were held on July 28. In which Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) declared Nicolás Maduro the winner, questions were raised both inside and outside the country.

“Venezuela will never be used to harm Colombia,” Cabello said.

Colombia's CNE announced on Tuesday, October 8, that it had decided to open an investigation against Pedro and members of his team, accusing him of violating spending limits established in his presidential campaign and seeking prohibited sources.

Calling the CNE decision “the first step of a coup” against him, the Colombian president announced that he would appeal to the United States Court of Human Rights (IDH Court), deeming it a violation of the popular vote. Pedro is president in 2022.

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With information from EFE

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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