By calling you There was no conviction in the case of his alleged daughter-in-law “Moche” And deputy of Tamoulibas, Ursula Patricia Salazar MojicaPresident Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador He referred to it as “a bit” of his son’s “gray house” statement. Jose Ramon Lopez Peltron.
At a conference at the National Palace on Friday morning, Lopez Obrador referred to the press release. Carlos Loret de Mola He said he wanted to deceive more “thugs” about his eldest son’s luxuries in Houston.
“I’m not corrupt, so Lorette thinks I’m like him, or Claudio X. Gonzalez, And all these dishonest, immoral people want to muddy us, but things are coming out. They need moral authority to be the enemy, it is very difficult to face a government by a corrupt person, they are dusting off.
“I endured and resisted because I have the shield of my honesty, which I consider most important in my life, which is why, as the poet said, I have come out of slander many times. Wow! They threw hard, they could not! ”, He revealed.
read more: Carlos Loret de Mola.- Millionaire senator from the suspected Morena
He has his conscience, which is very important to him, his court and he agrees almost every day: “If you have a clear conscience, you can be very happy and can face any suffering. How can a corrupt person, who is already at the peak of his cynicism, want to establish himself as a judge?
As he did this Thursday morning, Lopez O’Brien again asked Loret de Mola to tell him where the 13 apartments he was supposed to be in Mexico City and the property he was supposed to be in the US were.
“And I’m not going to leave any of this out. It’s not disgusting. This will allow them to “cleanse public life.”
read more: Loret de Mola Jose Ramon Lopez Peltron’s “modest” home “and without work!”
“Whoever it is”, AMLO calls for no punishment for its daughter-in-law’s “mocha” charge
In recent days his daughter-in-law Ursula Patricia Salazar Mojica, Damoulibas’ aide, following an audio spread on social networking sites called “Moche”, has pointed out that President Andrs Manuel Lopez Obrador did not ask for information about the case. Don’t get rid of the “whoever it is” sentence.
At this Friday morning conference at the National Palace, Lopez Obrador said that although Deputy Salazar Mojica is his daughter-in-law, no one should break the law.
“And do not allow any persecution of the old policy of the old regime: no cronyism, no influence, no relationship, no corruption or impunity. Whoever it is, nothing outside the law and above the law, no one,” the president said.
“It could be a close or distant relative. Any citizen who commits a crime should be punished. That is my position,” he added.
read more: My son Jose Ramon is very humble compared to the luck of Loret de Mola: AMLO
President Lopez Obrador clarified that “as a result” local deputy Ursula Patricia Salazar Mojica was “the daughter of a first cousin”.
In the Treasury Room, the President of Mexico said to himself and Salazar Mojica, “Nothing,” and if he saw her on the street, he would say, “I do not recognize her.”
“There is no relationship, and it cannot be concisely determined; that is, it must be proved first, and secondly, no one should be punished,” he added, commenting on his son Jose Ramon’s statement about Lopez Peltron’s “Gray House” that it was “a little”. .