Santo Domingo.- The Ministry of Interior and Police warned that foreigners are prohibited by law from organizing activities that could affect social peace, the security of citizens or public order in the Dominican Republic.
Migration no. The observation is based on what is established in article 122, paragraph 1 of the General Law on 285-04.
Minister Jesús Vasquez Martínez, through his spokesperson Ricardo Fortuna, has issued this warning regarding the invitation of various organizations to members of the Haitian diaspora to participate in the rally to be held next Sunday. A solution by the international community to a humanitarian and security crisis in a neighboring country.
A spokesman for Minister Vásquez Martínez warned that, based on current legal provisions, the Ministry of the Interior and the Police will not grant permits for such demonstrations in the country.
The decision comes in light of a call to protest by Pastor John Henry Santana and Bishop Gregory Toussaint in a simultaneous press conference from Miami and Church of God at a time when Haiti is facing a political, insecurity and humanitarian crisis. , located in Santo Domingo.
The parade is scheduled to begin next Sunday at 12 noon in the National District at the intersection of 27 de Febrero and Manuel de Jesús Troncoso avenues, where the Tabernacle of God is located.
“With the ban, to hold these kinds of demonstrations, the Ministry of Interior and Police, led by Jesus Vázquez Martínez, confirms its commitment to respect the laws of the country and, in particular, the establishment of the law. Migration”, said Fortuna.
The Government of the Dominican Republic maintains its firm position regarding strict adherence to the guidelines set forth in the aforementioned legal provisions.