Is there a revolt among Javier Mille’s supporters after Macri and Bullrich’s approach?

(CNN Spanish) — In the last two weeks, several legislators of La Libertad Avanza, elected in the last general election in Argentina, published two documents strongly criticizing the political strategy of their leader and presidential candidate, Javier Mili, after a compromise with Patricia Fulrich and Mauricio Macri. November 19 runoff. After serious allegations, internal differences were exposed, although national leaders denied the rupture.

Is there a rebellion among members of the “armies of heaven,” as followers of the libertarian leader commonly identify themselves?

In separate private meetings, Milei pledged that the alleged internal unrest was “a function of populism” and would focus on efforts to strengthen oversight for the second round. CNN reached out to an official Sergio Massa campaign spokesperson for advice on the economy minister’s anti-environmental libertarian accusations, but he did not respond. A related detail is that the same spokesperson distributed one of the two documents that revealed internal criticism at La Libertad Avanza.

“A different Argentina with the same old is impossible” is the title of the document signed by eight Buenos Aires legislators elected from La Libertad Avanza published this Monday. Although they did not announce a split or exit from the party, they expressed “disgust at Mauricio Macri’s apparent intention to co-rule a future national government”.

A similar thing happened last week, although the signatories on that occasion were elected national representatives and Mercosur parliamentarians. “We respect our presidential candidate’s decision to build a pact together for change, but we cannot reverse this course for electoral purposes alone,” they wrote.

CNN asked the elected national representative from La Libertad Avanza if there was a kind of “rebellion” against magrismo, but his response was: “It’s a mass action.” Likewise, Fernando Cerimedo, one of Miley’s digital campaign strategists, posted a message on his message.

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According to National Vice President-elect Manuel Quinter, one of the main axes of that meeting was exploration. He explained that in districts where La Libertad Avanza does not have advocates or a solid structure, it will be filled by members of Patricia Bullrich and Mauricio Macri’s group. Quintar continued that Millay told them “there is no political agreement with Macri, but no electoral support either.” This means that Pro’s Macrista-bullrichista sector will “essentially” contribute to the victory of La Libertad Avanza in the November 19 election.

Regarding efforts to oversee the process, the elected member of the National Assembly concluded: “We are working as if we are failing.” Even according to Quintar, political leaders were more concerned with tracking votes at the polls than flying them. “No one left the place, there was no breakdown,” he summed up.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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