It’s inconceivable that this sci-fi movie could be a cult work, but a complete disaster at the box office. Her main cast spent years without talking about her and now we can see her on HBO Max

This legendary movie from 1982 is a classic cyberpunk movie and now we can see it through the streaming platform

There are plenty of cyber-themed sci-fi movies out there, but if there’s one that stands out above them all, this is it. Blade Runner. Starring in this legendary movie Harrison Ford It premiered in 1982, and contrary to what you might imagine, It was a complete disaster ticket window. Yes, it seems unbelievable to find ourselves in front of a cult movie, but this rendition holds many more secrets than it seems.

Because of this, now available through HBO Max, it’s a great moment to travel back in time and understand the reasons for her downfall, as well as her later resurrection, indicating a before and after in a dystopia.

What does it mean to be a Blade Runner?

As I was saying, we are currently finding a plethora of titles building their premises on a sci-fi inspired society and a Cyberpunk dystopia. adaptation Ghost in a bowlMinority Report, Ready Player One, I’m a robot Or the anime Cyberpunk: Edgerunners are just a few examples from a long list. In 2023, we are already used to all kinds of proposals in which a giant corporation has changed the future of the world and society seems decadent, but very technologically advanced. However, when in 1982 Blade Runner has been released with some pre-existing examples.

star Wars One of the future examples would be mentioned above, but we must keep in mind that the cyberpunk movement emerged mainly from literature during this decade. Blade Runner is based on an earlier 1968 novel titled Unexcused absence?, Written by Philip K. rooster. Movies that can come to mind like DuneAnd RobocopAnd Akira also finisher They are later.

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Therefore, by the time the tape was released, there was not much knowledge of the genre, which caused some indifference to a society that was at that time immersed in the premiere of Alien E.T And thing. Unlike these movies, Blade Runner doesn’t have a great family element and doesn’t intend to unnerve the public with its proposal. Instead, it invites contemplation of a journey that is not lacking social criticism And with neo-noir overtones.

So, what we find in this movie Ridley Scott It is the city of Los Angeles in the fictional year 2019. Tyrell has managed to create transcription, artificial humans being used as slaves, but not that different from real humans. in the middle of this situation, Rick Deckard, a former blade runner, is recruited to investigate a crime committed by a symbiote and the subsequent escape of several of them. The role of the blade runner is to specifically hunt them down, so this is how an interesting story begins that develops on slow fire for the nearly two hours that the movie lasts.

And I say slow because, despite being an action movie, it has a much more leisurely pace than one might expect from this movie. It focuses so much on details, performances and some dialogue that it keeps you thinking about it Human nature And even doubting the identity of the protagonist himself. And that’s the magic of Blade Runner: we give you such a stunning outward appearance, to end with an inner journey, where values ​​like life, morals, and rights are put on the table.

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All this is accompanied, of course, by b Art direction and photography Unbeatable. Today, Blade Runner is one of the most influential films, not only because of its history, but also because of its world. The number of subsequent works that referred to the film is endless, because it has its own character that is, in fact, its sequel Blade Runner 2049lacks.

With all this said, and as has happened with many other films like Taron and The Magic Cauldron, the initial lack of acceptance wasn’t enough to keep this film out of oblivion. Time has made it take the place it deserves. As a curiosity, one of the most cited stories about cyberpunk is Neuroma, the work that William Gibson was writing at the time Blade Runner saw the light. It is said that, when he saw it, after a few minutes he got up and left the room, surprised at the number of similarities between the works, even when his story had not yet been published.

On the other hand, it is also indicated that Harrison Ford spent years not wanting to talk about the movie, as he faced many problems during filming due to for disputes that he had with Ridley Scott. Years later, he was able to come to terms with what happened, though he admitted that it was one of the most frustrating films he’d ever been in.

Despite all the troubles the movie suffered during its shooting, the truth is that to this day it still maintains an enviable level and a good legion of followers. However, if you are one of those who haven’t seen it yet or you just want to do it again, know that you can do it through HBO Max. In addition, it is one of those works that deserve to be on the shelf, so you can also get it in physical copy through Amazon, with very good viewing quality.

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Myrtle Frost

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