Juan Gaida’s interim government felt that the negotiation process with the Savista dictatorship should begin “as soon as possible”

Venezuela's interim leader Juan Guide (EFE / MIGUEL GUTIERREZ)
Venezuela’s interim leader Juan Guide (EFE / MIGUEL GUTIERREZ)

40 organizations forming a monopoly base in support of Venezuela’s interim president Juan Guida, They pointed out this Tuesday Negotiations with the Nicolas Maduro regime should begin “soon”, With a comprehensive agenda to help find a way out of the humanitarian crisis that Venezuela is going through.

In a statement, the platform pointed to a crisis and a political solution, A negotiation process with a comprehensive agenda should be initiated “as soon as possible” and this process should be supported by “all sectors” of the country., As well as the international community.

“An agreement must be reached that will alleviate the suffering of our people, contribute to the restructuring of the country, have an electoral schedule with conditions, and allow Venezuela to independently determine our future.”Added.

The enemy reiterated that they were “Ready“The process is progressing and He thanked the Norwegian delegation, Who has served as mediator since 2019, thus the opposition and the Savista dictatorship End the political conflict through negotiations.

“We also appreciate the support expressed so far by the international community in support of the negotiated settlement. We invite you to continue to support this effort to create a return of democracy to our homeland. We also acknowledge the efforts of various sectors of civil society and the comrades of the democratic forces Progress for a political solution”Says a report released by the monopoly site.

Dictator Nicolas Maduro accepted the initiative to negotiate with the opposition, but imposed previous demands (Photo: EFE / Prensa Miraflores)
Dictator Nicolas Maduro accepted the initiative to negotiate with the opposition, but imposed previous demands (Photo: EFE / Prensa Miraflores)

Among the members of the site that supports KIDA are the most traditional organizations First Justice (PJ), a new time (UNT), popular will (VP) and democratic action (AD) With their original orders, disabled by order of the Supreme Court (DSJ).

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These systems, along with thirty others, They were announced as an alliance on April 21 to achieve “free elections” in Venezuela.

Two weeks ago, Guide, Recognized as the Interim President of Venezuela by more than fifty countries, Maduro expressed his willingness to negotiate with the regime.

The United States is one of the key countries supporting this initiative. This Monday, the US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield expressed support for representatives of the Venezuelan opposition to a “negotiated” solution to Washington’s crisis, which led to free and fair elections, her office said Tuesday.

Thomas-Greenfield travels to Ecuador to lead US delegation to presidency Guillermo Lasso, Met with the Venezuelan opposition leader With Leopoldo Lopez and Julio Borges, Representative for Foreign Affairs of Qaeda.

The ambassador insisted on this appointment “US supports negotiated settlement leading to free and fair elections in Venezuela”Olivia Dalton, spokeswoman for the US tour of the United Nations, said in a statement today.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield meets Leopoldo Lopez and Julio Borges (@USAmbUN) in Ecuador
Linda Thomas-Greenfield meets Leopoldo Lopez and Julio Borges (@USAmbUN) in Ecuador

According to Dalton, both parties “It focuses on the importance of promoting international consensus in support of a return to democracy in Venezuela, the humanitarian crisis and Venezuela’s human rights. “

Thomas-Greenfield, in that sense, He stressed Washington’s commitment to supporting the Venezuelan people.

The news of the US ambassador is consistent with the information revealed so far by the administration Joe Biden defends the need for a “comprehensive and negotiated solution” to the Venezuelan crisis with the aim of holding free elections.

The Biden government has not yet changed its policy on Venezuela compared to its predecessor. Donald Trump (2017-2021), And continues to recognize Quito as interim president, who was announced in January 2019 Fraudulent elections organized by the Maduro dictatorship in 2018.

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Last February, the Biden administration said it did not expect to have direct contact with Maduro in the “short term” He pointed out that he continues to recognize Kaida as his orator.

With information from EFE

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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