La Jornada – ASPA will provide an option to saturate the airspace

The Technical Team of the Federation of Mexican Pilots (ASPA) met yesterday with the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT) “to discuss solutions to the problem of airspace saturation in the station area in Mexico City,” the union organization stated.

The Federation, a member of the International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations (Ifalpa, for its English acronym), has pledged to “present all available information and reports to mitigate the problem of Mexico City’s airspace, as well as to implement regulations from direct reports to the Authority, attached to international best practices, to make aviation Safer.”

The meeting took place in the midst of controversy stemming from Ivalba’s announcement last April that she was aware of several aircraft accidents arriving at Mexico City’s International Airport (AICM), as well as expressing concern about important ground approach warnings. The system, in one of them – a male – a crew almost hit the surface.

ASPA thanked the authorities for their openness and “joining in so that measures across our airspace are sufficient for the safety of residents, users and staff”.

The meeting was also attended by authorities from AICM, Mexican Aerospace Navigation Services, the Federal Civil Aviation Agency, the National Chamber of Air Transport, the International Air Transport Association and the College of Pilots of Mexico.

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Myrtle Frost

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