Lack of researchers in Tamaulipas limits science and technology projects – El Sol de Tampico

By just existing 14 researchers Among the 1233 countries in the country National Research System of the National Council for the Humanities, Sciences, and Technology (Conahsett), Tamaulipas It becomes the eighth entity with the fewest projects to confront crises such as the current one Water shortage.

he Conahsett Currently in 132 institutions distributed throughout the Republic888 projects completed. who are they, Tamaulipas had only 11, Because it does not have enough researchers, and below it are only Tlaxcala (5), Colima (5), Nayarit (7), Guerrero (7), Tabasco (10), and Campeche (10).

The advisor National Pedagogical University, Salvador Barrera TapitasHe pointed out that “It is necessary to conduct a filter in the study process, to ensure that those who want to obtain a graduate degree in studies do so during the entire procedure, because generally they only seek a research paper“.

Science and technology require a budget

He adds that in addition to real training, A Reserved budget Strictly for Science and Technology So that it is not managed by politicians, but by researchers themselves who are trained and thus able to create a new generation of scholars in different topics.

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People who study more academic degrees do so not to create research, but to gain a higher level and earn more or reach a position, they have no educational experience, no mastery of the content, because there is no real training for researchers, there is real field experience“, He said.

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How many researchers does Tamaulipas have?

Based on the general report on the state of science, technology and innovation, the Northern entity is No. 25 Regarding the rate per thousand population, so it was analyzed in this last way The Tamaulipas rate is 0.12 researchers For every thousand people.

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In this way, it is ahead of only Veracruz (0.12), Mexico State (0.11), Quintana Roo (0.11), Tlaxcala (0.10), Oaxaca (0.10), Chiapas (0.08), and Guerrero (0.06), so it is the eighth state with Fewest SNI members in the national table. In total, the national system recorded 434, a number equivalent to a rate of 0.12 per thousand inhabitants.

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he National Council for the Humanities, Science and Technology It emphasizes that SNI researchers are present throughout Mexico and seek to promote decentralization, reduce regional disparities and the contribution of its members to the development of entities, however, there are states that do not produce staff to implement projects.

Myrtle Frost

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