Last Local Time: Student Miruna Gabriela Duragu »Maniturul de Suseva in the final exam phase of the West Point Military Academy of America

Miruna Gabriela Duragu, a leading student at the Edeban Cell Murray National Military College in Kampulung Moldovanes, is in the finals for the West Point Military Academy in the United States. For this performance, the student received an award that any military high school student would want: Prince Stephen’s Basic Relief. The Kostesty student, who studied with Stephanista, decided to reward Mruna for her performance in the final selection phase of the “West Point” Military Academy in association with the Kostesty Association. From the United States. Miruna Gabriela Duragu, one of the two leaders of the promotion (2013-2017) of the Gymnasium School in the village of Kostesti. Both students chose “Efon Cell Murray” National Military College and were the only exceptions to the school’s success. For Stephen Student, the opportunity to train as an officer at the West Point Military Academy in the United States was a dream come true. The athlete’s skills helped Miruna to pass the rigorous sports tests of joining the American Academy, fighting for a safe place reserved for military high school students in Romania.

Work After work, reward

A spokesman for the National Military College in Georgina Loupu’s “Edepon Cell Murray” told us that four years was full of shortages, and only a student or a graduate of a military high school could understand. “In four years Miruna was chosen as one of the best, surpassing her own expectations and taking the name of the National Military College Efn Cell Murray overseas, an educational institution that laid the foundations for her future career as an Army officer. Now, Miruna is in her job. The performance reward and his emotions will increase day by day. According to Colonel (R.) Didel Petroe, President of the Costesti Association – My Dear Commune, this work was created after the work of sculptor Pavel Mercia and the printing of plastic artist Professor Mukur Vransanu.

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Emotions. Thanks

Commander-in-Chief Miruna Duraku declared: “I still cannot get over the emotion of receiving Prince Stephen’s basic relief. I will keep this as a fond memory that connects both the middle school and the military high school, the institutions that laid the foundation for what I am today. I thank them and I owe a debt of gratitude to the members and the director of this association. ” Of all Romanian cadets admitted to U.S. military academies over the past four years, more than half are graduates of Military High School in Kampulungia. “Every year, the performance of the school is taken to the highest level, and the results obtained by Stephen students are consistent with the educational work carried out at the National Military College, S எtbn, Moldovanesk, Etefon Cell,” said Georgiana Lupu.

Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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