Lawsuits for alleged fraud against Chris Acorn add up to nearly half a million dollars

Fraud complaints against businessman and influencer George Christian Bautista AcrondBetter known as Chris Acornt on social networks, there were seven and a total of close to $500,000, confirmed the director of the San Juan Criminal Investigation Squad (CIC), Inspector Edwin Figueroa Maldonado.

Bautista Akront pleaded guilty in February to four counts of tax evasion, alleging breach of investment management contracts, according to the official.

“All (complainants) agree on one thing: they do not have the money they gave (the businessman), nor the money they promised him”Figueroa was exposed to the questions New day.


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According to the inspector, several complainants have already been interviewed by CIC’s property and anti-fraud crime cell.

“They (complainants) are being interviewed to find out what the fraud consists of and the type of investigation we are going to carry out will depend on the interviews.”He revealed. “They (plaintiffs) who claimed to be losing money are suffering and their interest is to recover it.”

Complaints against Bautista Akront started being filed with the police in early May. In most cases, they cite paying thousands of dollars for courses they allegedly did not receive and the lack of return on investment in some employer-sponsored programs.

According to the uniform press office, the two most recent complaints were received last Tuesday.

One of the complainants alleged that he paid $64,000 to the businessman to get a 50K VIP crypto course in December 2021, but he has yet to receive any response as he did not return calls.

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Meanwhile, another person indicated that after paying the same amount of $64,000 to Bautista Acorn for the same course in January 2022, despite several attempts through calls, messages and emails, he did not receive a response.

The influencer promotes himself as an expert in currency exchange, known as “Forex” through the website of his company, JetTrades LLC. Raise $11 million by offering courses on financial topics through social networks.

However, the young man was not licensed as a stockbroker, this newspaper had previously reported, and was not known to have formal educational preparation in financial discipline.

Bautista Akront was accused in July 2022 of not reporting more than $11 million in income and failing to pay the Treasury Department about $7.6 million between 2017 and 2022, including interest and penalties.

After reaching an agreement with the prosecutor’s office, the businessman pleaded guilty. The commitment made with the Treasury included paying $8.3 million and providing hours of community service to accurately guide and educate on tax issues.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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