Learn about the agenda of the National Congress for Accountability activities

The schedule of activities to be carried out at the National Congress on Sunday, January 27, will begin at 8:00 a.m. and last until approximately noon.

According to the documents obtained through this, with the arrival of the legislators to the National Congress, the agenda establishes the opening time of the process at 8:00 am.

An hour later, at 9:00 a.m., both the House of Representatives and the Republican Senate will begin the first ordinary legislature, similar to the 2022 Assembly year 2022, the constitutional term.

With the start of the first session, 21 guns will be saluted outside Congress, and it will stand up.

Following the legislation, the chairs of the two chambers will appoint two commissions, which will receive President Louis Abinader upon his arrival at the National Congress. The first group will be waiting for you at the entrance of the building and the other at the bottom of the stairs.

Already at 9:40 a.m., Republican Vice President Rahul Pena is expected to arrive at the entrance to Congress until the President arrives, who will arrive at 9:45 p.m. First lady, Rahul Arbaje.

Second, after his arrival, the President will be given military honors, and when he is finished he will go inside the National Congress, especially into the Hall of the National Assembly.

Upon entering, he is greeted at the door by two of their leaders, Alfredo Pacheco and Eduardo Estrella, who are waiting for the president, who is holding a meeting.

After Abinadar arrives, greets, and resides, Senate President Eduardo Estrella will resume work on the joint meeting between the two and deliver a keynote address.

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Following that, President Louis Abinader will address his message of accountability to the nation.

Even if there is no specific time, it is estimated that it will take about an hour for the President to speak, so he can complete the whole process from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon.

After the speech, Abinadar will leave the National Assembly and proceed to the front of Congress to receive military honors. The President will then continue his tour.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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