Leo, Today’s Horoscope April 26, 2023: Fortune will favor you

Advice This Sunday is your horoscope See what the predictions are for love, health and more.

LeoYour horoscope says that Jupiter squaring the Moon in the 12th house will allow you to avoid misfortune and solve problems arising out of the uncertainty around you, but you should act cautiously and not trust yourself too much.

Day forecast

Moon in 12th house warns you to keep all legal matters related to your plans and investments in order. It is not a good day to make decisions, only to improve upon failures.


Too much emotion filling your heart can cloud your perspective on people and situations. Find a way of artistic expression that allows you to give free rein to your emotions, thereby organizing your inner world.


Searching for energy in high-calorie, spicy, or irritating foods to meet the demands of work can upset your digestive system, weaken you, and cause more stress. Maintain a balanced diet and healthy diet.


Now is a good time to think about establishing solid foundations that will ensure long-term financial stability. You should stop procrastinating and avoiding decisions in this matter as this is the best time to stop jumping from one job to another and look to the future.


Even if destiny confronts you with great financial challenges, you should have faith that Mercury is on your side in the 10th house, thanks to him you will not only get through this moment, but he will also give you abundant rewards.

Pair prediction

Don’t think too much about this matter and take things in stride, the atmosphere around you is tense and it affects your love life, so don’t take your successes or those who reject you too seriously on these dates.


Love: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Friendship: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Work: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Sexual energy: Good

Today’s information

Don’t abuse your luck or believe that everything is resolved. Take advantage of the blessings of the cosmos to take shelter against future misfortunes and resolve major issues affecting you.

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Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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